Use "navvy|navvies" in a sentence

1. It is not the Clodhopper, the navvy or the labourer, the careless or the incompetent, who suffer from them

2. ‘The British inland waterway system, flourishing in the early nineteenth century, was staffed by a large body of Bargees who, like the railway navvies, earned an unenviable reputation for roughness.’

3. ‘He is a man of plain words, impatient with metaphor, fascinated by the structure of the land and evidence of early attempts to cultivate and Civilise it.’ ‘Social reformers believed that carefully designed settlements would curb many of these excesses, help to Civilise the navvy and improve his work rate.’

4. ‘He is a man of plain words, impatient with metaphor, fascinated by the structure of the land and evidence of early attempts to cultivate and Civilise it.’ ‘Social reformers believed that carefully designed settlements would curb many of these excesses, help to Civilise the navvy and improve his work rate.’